
Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Energy Mesh – Pai Joaquim de Aruanda (Father old black)

Image: Davi Aguiar

My beloved sons

The old father is here to bring some words of wisdom and humility to you children.

I see you exchanging words of suffering and sadness always children, but it is not legal to take more sorrow to your walking brothers, children.

You are all here on this earth to learn to always hit children, all of you, and the old father too. We have already erred, and we are now also erring children, for the understanding that we have of right and wrong is always limited children.

No one is wrong in this life, children. Everyone is right. Living their life experiences and bringing more knowledge into their lives. That's what matters, kids.

The old Father reminds you that everyone is the same. Even those children who understand a little more about how things work can only understand from the point of view they understand, but often do not know things as simple as making coffee. Hihihi

Who says, children, that you connect with the Masters and bring messages of light and love, is more important than making coffee?

You have created this reality for you children because you are living on this planet where the ego is present in your lives.

The young lady who wakes up early at 5:00 am and leaves your village to make some coffee for you to take when you get to work, is it less elevated than you, son? Just because she does not know who Master Saint Germain is? No, no, no children.

Humility is a gift that no one can take from you children. That yes is difficult to conquer in this life. The more you learn from your experiences, the more you are risking turning away from humility.

Remember that the coffee well done brings a scent that inspires the smile on that brother who arrived at work with a head full of problems. That coffee delivered with love, made with love, by someone who fights in this life, to put the food in the dishes of the children at home. And do all this with much love for children, for you and for all life.

This person is happy, children, because happiness is what you bring in the heart. Happiness is not to add knowledge, to grow in the career, not to create more things in your little heads, but rather, my children, happiness is in the simplest things in life.

Remember that Master Saint Germain brought a message to you on how to work with the energies? So children, follow the example of the Master. Take that smile of love from the coffee girl, take that fragrant aroma of fresh coffee, feel the joy this energy conveys to you, and return thanking you, bringing more love to what you have today.

Return that loving smile to your other colleague, return that joy of pleasant aroma to your brother who is in need too.

All the children are here to help themselves, in a huge network, my children. Very immense is this network that connects you, the father here would like to be able to show all this for you. Then I'll try to draw with this daughter here to better show you. (See the drawing at the beginning of the message)

This network, children, is always vibrating the energy of all of you together, children. There is no point in one of you vibrating in the light of the Master and the other vibrating in suffering.

No use on this side of the world you have a table full of food and on the other side the poor children die of hunger and disease. The energy grid, my children, you connect.

His pain is his pain, his illness is his suffering, hunger is his anguish of wanting more in this life. The ego of the politician reflects on his suffering, son. So, son, it's no use fighting back against the system. The system is children's illusion. The only system that exists is the mesh that the father is bringing here for you. This mesh is the system that moves your planet. The politician is in there, and also the nature bug, the water, his friend from work, and yourself. There are people starving and there are very rich people.

There are people rich in book knowledge, and there are rich people with a knowledge of love at heart. What brings you salvation, children, is you learn to change all that is good there. Learn the love, share the book. Learning not to go hungry, help bring coffee with the smile on your face. Put yourself in your brother's shoes. Do his job, experience what he has already learned. It would be cool is not it, children. Why do not you then?

The father is here bringing these truths to you who are trapped in the world of illusion and do not want to accept that everyone is connected. The beautiful way the masters bring. It's nothing more than that kids. We all bring the same word, the same truth. The old father brings the same truth as the master. And you lightworker, bring the same truth as the brother who can not read. The young lady who passes coffee has the same truth as the director of the company. All are equal, children, everyone can help themselves within their reality of love.

The father is here radiating all my love and bringing these words.

Thank you for the opportunity, daughter, to bring this message to you.
I thank our Master Jesus Christ.
I thank God.
I thank the people of Aruanda.
I thank all the old ladies, the masters, the coffee girls, for we are all love, children.

With the love of his father Joaquim de Aruanda.

Messenger: Michelinha OM -17.Nov.2016
