
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Restart - Master Jesus

Before us is the opportunity to begin again, to build a future with more wisdom and spiritual evolution.

Often we fear to see ourselves facing a new challenge, a very unexpected change in our lives. We can not see the grandeur of a new opportunity.

Before a new beginning, there is the emptiness, the detachment of the past, of the routine, of what we thought we were and that defined us.

We are called names that do not correspond to our Being, but to the function we are performing, to the "role" we are representing. And this word "representing" comes precisely to show reality before your eyes. To represent is not to let it be the Truth. It is trying to be what it is not, in essence.

When we are withdrawn from our situation of life, where we represent something, the first sensation is of a great emptiness, a "big hole" by which we are sucked. This feeling becomes present because we cling to that illusion so intensely that we thought we were that. We live so intensely within the illusion that we have made reality into our minds.

The process of withdrawing the Self from the life of illusion is painful indeed, but it is the only way to bring it to its real purpose. Bring to reality and tear down the veils.

From that point, due to the shock, we begin to look within ourselves. The distractions that existed before our eyes become blurred and, little by little, invisible and cease to exist. It remains only ourselves. From the moment we accept this emptiness, we stop fighting against what we cling to, we begin to absorb new energies. Life opens before us, the opportunities for a new walk begin to appear, and we are dazzled by the new wonderful world, which appears so clearly and purely before us.

We came to notice, at that moment, that it was always there, and we wondered how we could remain distant from all this reality of joy and abundance for so long.

It takes care of our hearts, a deep feeling of gratitude for all who have passed through our path, for all the learning, the tears, the pains, the fights, the friends and the old enemies. Enemies that were nothing more than the "our mirrors", the reflection of what we denied in ourselves. Denying our reality and our truth, we created many enemies during the walk, who now seem to us to be loving friends, masters who crossed our path, who so often because of ignorance of their important role, could not perceive the mastery they were Performing in our lives.

We are here, facing this new reality and we perceive, at that moment, how everything has a meaning. Everything that appears before us, with each breath, is a teaching. Just observe and thank with humility for learning.

The orphan child who is adopted by a new family arrives with an open heart, without past, without baggage, without attachments. It simply accepts to receive with "open arms" the new opportunity. This is the feeling that all of you, Sons, have had an opportunity to feel as you begin your preparation for the incarnation process. They began a new journey towards the unpredictable, where, as planned, they would cross their paths with so many masters, who are exactly those who have entered into conflicts the most, because they try to show the Truth to you.

For so many times, they have been placed in situations of the most diverse only to experience something with more intensity, because they were diverting from their purpose, which you yourselves established before incarnating.

These moments of intense intervention are where they feel the deepest pains, for the death of their old self begins to occur. What happens so perfectly, that you accept to look into yourself, because there is no other option.

So many times you have been placed in situations where you could choose to look at it, but you have looked away, leaving you, perhaps one day, to face your greatest fears.
Until the day is come to look with no option to take an adverse path. According to his incarnational plan, a more intense intervention is made so that he becomes aware of reality.

These most intense moments that I quote, My Beloved Sons, are precisely the separations between friends and families, the layoffs, the changes of the city, the sudden changes in their lives; Those that you have no choice but to continue as before.

Faced with these facts placed firmly on their foreheads, all they have to do is walk forward, with faith in what is to come, letting go of the greatest fears, letting go of all the feeling that imprisoned them in that reality. Taking a new course into the unknown and anchoring courage in your heart.

At such times, Dear Sons, it is when you begin to seek spirituality, ways to quickly solve your problems, because you are still "trapped" in the old way of living, you think that a miracle will take you out of the situation you suffer.

My Beloved Sons, this suffering will endure until they accept to look at everything differently. They will realize that there was no suffering, that was to just leave everything delivered, stop fighting. Stop fighting, My Children.

Let go. Let it happen. Let life flow, knowing that everything will work out and that will be guided to what is best for you. Delivering is nothing more than that, My Children. Deliver your worries, your yearnings and fears. It is where they begin to learn the real meaning of faith. They begin to learn to truly feel the Faith.

"Ask and you shall receive," is what I told you as incarnate as Jesus. But, My Sons, you still do not understand the real meaning of these words. You ask, but you do not really believe that you will receive.

Well, My Children, I said I would return, and I am here. I've always been here. Within each of you. Everyone can access my knowledge, my Love.

Everyone can rise and come closer and closer to my heart. And for those who still can not, I'm always present, at all times. But many of you do not understand this, My Sons.

They can not understand that always, ALWAYS, that they raise the thought in my name, there I will be. At the speed of your thought, I will always be by your side.

So there is nothing to fear. In this process of starting over, My Dear Sons, I am always with you. I am the one who will be most present with all of you, remembering all the memories you share with me. Bringing memories of all the times they've been connected to me. Do not be afraid, for I am with you in this moment of great challenge and glorious opportunity for change.

The process of building the Kingdom of Heaven has already ended, My Beloved Sons, and I invite you, at that moment, to dwell with me. Connect with me in thought and I will show you a wonderful world of peace, which is already here for you with much Love.

Master Jesus

Messenger: Michelinha OM -13.Nov.2016

Collaboration: Angelica T. Tosta and SolangeYabushita


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