
Friday, November 4, 2016

The path of the disciple – Masters Serapis Bey and Pórtia

We were discussing Michelinha OM and I (Thiago) about the relation of us humans, with the Ascended Masters, about the lack we feel of their energy, especially of the one who has more affinity and who accompanies us more closely.

We, the messengers, and other brothers who have already opened up to all this richness of the Higher Realms, share a certain "emptiness in the chest", of a nostalgia, which, in a way, is filled by the Master's energy. Somehow, our Master Guide or mentor completes us energetically.

What we feel, then, is that spiritual truth is a path that leads us to take deep contact with what we are. It brings us back to what we have long avoided making contact, removing the locks, the covers, the veils. Let's look at everything without protection from ourselves. And really, to make contact with the Realms of Light is a path of courage, but especially of Love, of humility, of compassion and, above all, of perseverance.

When we come into deep contact with our feelings, emotions, with all that we have always avoided, the Master will appear to guide us. We have heard before that climbing the mountain can be done alone or with an Ascended Master, which becomes much lighter and softer.

It was in this sense that Master Serapis Bey clarified us through Thiago:

"I will say that it is through the perseverance of the search of yourselves, of the maintenance of Love, of the will of help that will represent us on Earth.

The disciple, My Children, is the one who goes through the trials of life. Not in the sense that he felt no fear, which was not deeply challenged, but in the sense that he demonstrated during the journey the serenity and humility of devotion, fraternal affection, and the legitimate will to walk the spiritual path.

And this requires, first and foremost, self-confidence, empowerment, self-worth. But not in the sense of putting themselves superior to the other, but equal, on the same level.

I would like, then, to show you something, as something so simple in human terms is so complex, for few are those who really commit themselves to overcome and confront each day with each new awakening.

And it is on this path, in this perseverance, that the Master will present himself to the disciple. It is from the inner confidence that we will always be available to join hands in the escalation of life. "

Serapis Bey

And our conversation continued ...

From these conclusions, we think of how the relationship of an Ascended Master with an incarnate human occurs. Whether it is a monadic relation of fractals, or whether they are ourselves in the future. And we also talk about the nostalgia that we, the channels, feel from the energy of the Masters.

So two questions came to us: why miss? Why of emptiness?

And we remember this recent channeling, received by Michelinha, where Lord Kumara clarifies:

"A soul fractal can bring all the learning you need for your evolution. It is always bringing the purity attached to the Source in your heart and therefore brings you the possibility of balance and harmony."

We then wonder if this longing would be for a fractal love, beings of the same soul of origin, due to the size of Love that we feel for the Masters that accompany us. And Master Serapis Bey came to clarify us again:

"I say yes, My Sons. You are so deeply attached to us that you do not yet realize how united we are in fellowship.

You, My Brothers, are our arms, our hands, our own energy on Earth.

They are an extension of ourselves on Earth.

Now imagine the Love we have for you! It's as if they love a part of your body. Do you imagine yourself without a part of your body? This is how we see you.

And the emptiness they feel is the lack of completeness that fraternal union brings them. The union of the heart, of the connection to the Source.

And we bring this to you to complete it, so that at the stage you are in, do not feel so much the lack of yourselves. Then we complete them with our own hearts.

We leave a little of ourselves in you, to soften this inner fault.

We love you more than you conceive. For it is something that still escapes your understanding. Still, My Brothers. "

Serapis Bey

Then Master Pórtia taught us through Michelinha OM:

"Yes, My Beloved Sons.

Each of you, in a higher dimension, will have the union with your mentor.

Each one will be united in energy to the Source that, today, is represented to you through the energetic form of the Ascended Masters.

We are you and you are us.

We are glad that you have understood your true essence, the level you will soon reach.

We are radiating in you, daily, our energies so that, in this way, they rise and draw closer to us.

Just as we have representations in the form that you are today, we also have our essence represented and manifested in various life forms on various planets and dimensional levels.

All unite to radiate the flames in diverse forms of manifestation, in diverse places, thus, we are able to act with greater amplitude.

They are all part of us. Everyone can work with Our Energy. I say "ours" because we are ONE.

Receive this truth and manifest your birth power in your midst. "

I'm Pórtia.

We understand, then, that it is the energy of the Ascended Masters that binds us to the Source. They are our primary source of Love to bring us balance and harmony until we can, by ourselves, unite with the Source of Creation.

We are part of the Masters, for they see no division. All Masters are ONE and We are part of that One.

But not just a single Master, like Portia, Hilarion, Serapis Bey or El Morya, but, yes, all of them. We are a representation of this consciousness, of this fellowship on Earth. And through them we keep that connection.

At bottom, this collective consciousness is our monad, in which all are the Ascended Realms and other Realms of Light, because it is unity itself, and where there are no bodies, there is no monad. There is the universal energy of Source.

Each of us is the representation of a Master who will lead us to the Source to one day be the Source itself. We will be the Masters in the future, representing the consciousness of the Source, the Ascended Realms.

The Ascended Masters are means of energetic representations of the Source.

The masters we channel, are not like the human figures of Gandhi, St. Francis of Assisi, Jesus (incarnate) or others we know. Ascended Masters are just energy that represent an energetic field of Source. They are not like us or those who were incarnate, who were the representation of the Source here on Earth, but through that still higher energy. They are, therefore, the energy representation of some aspect of the Source that anchors some that have already incarnated.

And Michelinha concluded: "Like the incarnations of the Ascended Masters that we have known. In fact, the Masters are not those incarnate, but rather, those embodied were fractals of them. Fractals of that energy. They were one of the representations of that energy and therefore we can channel these personalities because in "no time" they continue to exist. That is why Francis still exists, Saul and Paul of Tarsus, among others.

In the end, all of us, then, are fractals of a Source awareness in the third dimension. Just as we could be that same representation in any other dimension of Creation.

Messengers: Michelinha OM and Thiago Strapasson - 04.Nov.2016

Collaboration: Angelica T. Tosta and Solange Yabushita
