
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Earthly Experiences and Connection with the I Am - Master Saint Germain

Everything that you have achieved to date is part of the ascensional process that is unfolding in your bodies.

All ethereal, and not only physical, conquest is tied to personal fulfillment, which is related to your innermost desire of the heart.

You have been seeking such accomplishments for a long time, but not sure how, because you can not perceive what is in your heart.

They spent a long time searching for that answer and rationalizing all the solutions that were within their grasp, or what you understood as possible to accomplish, as a means to achieve the goal.

Therefore, they could not accomplish what their heart asked for, with ardor. They could not achieve what they sought so much, simply because of the attempt to rationalize, to understand with the eyes of matter, how everything would proceed in order to reach the ultimate goal.

From the point where they realize that they have to let the energy flow, that they need to connect with their hearts and thus connect with the powerful divine energy, they begin to unravel the solution of the situation. When you connect with the purest feeling of gratitude and the essence of the experience and learning contained in everything that happens in your life, you begin to understand and gradually release the bonds that held you trapped in the current mold of materiality.

Thus you will remain free and free for all eternity.

The experience is wonderful when seen from that point and does not return to their lives. So seizing the opportunity to reap the learning contained therein is essential and is the most intelligent attitude attached to the heart of the I Am experience.

The knowledge gained from their earthly experiences is stored in their I Am and simultaneously heals all the karma contained in their parallel realities. The longer you stay in the experiment, the more healings are being done. There are thus blessed opportunities for liberation.

All your incarnations, my children, occur simultaneously in the same space-time of your I Am. Therefore, your connections with the I Am through meditation bring your present experiences as healing remedies to all your Ego-Personalities, who are in this parallel universe experiencing diverse experiences of learning, growth, and evolution.

Just as your I of the future can assist you in the present, it is your duty to help your I of the past to contribute to your present and your future of spiritual ascension and liberation.

All will be set free. All will go through all the necessary experiences until the end of the auric cleansing process of your bodies and your planet. Therefore, experiences will become increasingly intense for the process to occur successfully and be completed within the given time.

This will soon allow you to live an Age of Love and peace, with no karma to carry. You will be freed and awakened to receive the Love of Source without blockages, and this will bring the ascension to all who are willing to contribute to their own evolution.

It will be so and so it is.

I am Master Saint Germain

Messenger: Michelinha OM -Oct 12, 2016


Text review: Angelica T. Tosta and SolangeYabushita